Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Party 2008

Oh.. how times have changed!!! Halloween parties are now all about how cute the kids are!
And, wow, are they cute!

Emma's first Halloween Costume - she is our PRIZE PIG :)

Daddy, Mommy and Emma gettting ready to go to the party!
(We dressed up as PARENTS this year)

Mommy and Emma hanging out at the party at The Peters house!

First Halloween for these girls!!!!
Charlotte (flower), Lucy (butterfly), Emma (piggie)

Thursday, October 23, 2008


The Weaver Family has been so enjoying their time together - that they have forgot to update their friends and their webpage! Wow.. so much has been going on!!!

Emma has become a Bronco fan, but wishes they would not loose the easy games (she cried over the loss the KC!)

Emma has 5 new teeth!!! How many can you see?

Just about everything is fair game for teething!

Kickin' back in her high chair! Mom makes all Emma's baby food from organic veggies!
She eats better than we do!!!

Emma's first trip!!
She went to Arizona to visit Grandpa Steve and Grandma Mary.
She even got to swim in their pool!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

June Updates!

Wow.. time flies when you have a baby at home! It is hard to believe all that we have done in the last month and not a single update!
Since pictures is what people seem to care about most... here are some recent Emma pictures from June which included a visit from Grandma and Granpa Weaver, a trip to Oaks Park during Rose Fesitval to watch the jumping dock dogs, Father's Day and Emma's first camping trip!!
Laundry Day!
Emma and Daddy playing ball with Willow
Emma's new Bumbo seat!
Grandma and Grandma visit!

Hanging out at the Rose Festival!

Father's Day!! Dad got a cool backpack to hold Emma!

Emma's First Camping Trip to Grandma's and Poppa's cabin in the woods!
Emma slept in a tent and even snuggled with mom and dad a bit in the morning.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Emma Laughs!

Emma loves playing patty cake with mom and she has just started giggling about a week or so ago.
I captured the video on my cell phone - sorry the quality is not that good - but I LOVE to hear her laugh!

I will upload the picture as soon as I can!

Emma at Work

wow... I know that it has been SOOOO long since we last updated the blog. It is AMAZING how fast time flies with a little one at home! Of course, we have taken a ton of pictures - we just haven't posted them :)

I took Emma to work (just to show her off) yesterday - Here she is at my desk!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008

Emma is TWO (weeks)

More pictures
I can't help it .. she is so darn cute.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Emma's First Week

Wow.. has it been a crazy one! Mom and Dad and have been adjusting to having Emma at home and trying to juggle sleep, feeding, playtime and work. Thankfully Grandma Darlene has been here and has been a big help!

What all have we been up to?

Mommy has been reading to Emma:

Emma got her first bath at home -

Emma got to try out her new BOUNCY SEAT:

And Emma got her first doll from Grandpa Steve and Grandma Mary (it is almost as big as she is!)

More updates to come as Emma will get to watch her first SuperBowl tomorrow. I wonder who she will be rooting for????

Monday, January 28, 2008

Emma is HOME!!!!

Mom's recovery is going so good that her and Emma got to leave the hospital today (everyone said that mom was a good healer!) Although the hospital stay was great and all the nurses were wonderful - it was time for us to leave the safety and security of the hospital to go home and do this on our own! Of course it snowed all night and the roads were iced up this morning, so mom and dad were a bit nervous about driving their new baby home ...

After reading the car seat manual 50 times just to make sure, we got Emma bundled in and ready to go. She left the hospital wearing the the same outfit Daddy's grandma made for him to leave the hospital in over 38 years ago!!!

Dad expected to be a white knuckle driver all the way home, but by early afternoon when they finally were released from the hospital all the snow had gone.

The whole family is happy to be safe and relaxing at home!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Baby Emma Photos

Daddy is suppose to be home resting, but could not wait to show off baby Emma to friends and family. Dad has been taking a ton of photos and it has been so hard to decide which pictures to put up! Here are just a few....

First Family Photo - just minutes after Emma was born:

Mommy and Baby Emma - just a few minutes after she was born.
(Daddy's favorite photo):

Grandma Darlene with Warren and Emma after seeing her for the first time:

Mommy and baby in recovery:

Emma Vivian Weaver:

Look at that cute blond baby girl!:
Just after her first bath

Mommy and Baby are doing so good! This is just 28 hours after Emma was born!
They are both sporting new outfits:)

Many many many more pictures to come - Daddy has to go rest so he can go back and see mommy and baby!!!

Welcome Emma Vivian Weaver

Toni and Warren have a beautiful baby girl!

Baby Emma Vivian was born at 8:20am on Friday January 25th at Good Samaritan Hospital downtown Portland.
Emma weighed in at a healthy 7 pounds 7 ounces and is 20 inches long. She is a beautiful little blonde!
Mom and Dad could not be more proud!

Toni and baby are doing really well and hope to be home soon!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tick... Tick... Tick...

Less than 12 hours away from meeting Baby Weaver! We are SO excited!!

Picture of mom on the last day :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Toni Week 37

Only 3 Weeks Away!!!

It is hard to believe that Baby Weaver is only three weeks away!
We are getting very excited as the days are growing closer, but also a bit overwhelmed by all that still needs to be done!

Yesterday we got another ultrasound:

Why did we get another ultrasound, you ask? We had our normal weekly appointment yesterday and they were still concerned about my blood pressure so decided to run some extra tests to make sure the baby wasn't being affected in some way. The first test - a biophysical ultrasound - was a 30-minute ultrasound where the tech watched for 3 things: baby's movements, baby's breathing and amniotic fluid levels. We're waiting to hear back from our doctor this morning on those results. The next test was called an "FHR" (or something close to that) and they hooked me up to the fetal monitor where they watched my contractions (normal Braxton Hicks, don't worry!) and the baby's heartbeat to make sure the baby's heart rate wasn't going down during contractions - indicating "trauma", which could have resulted in an early birthday - we passed this test with flying colors and the nurse commented multiple times on the "happy and healthy baby in there". They also drew more blood and were thrilled with those results as well. So all in all, everything was good, but Mama (that's me) is committed to really, really taking it easy now as we want this little one to stay in there as long as it can and not come out early because big, bad Mom couldn't sit still!

Pics of mom during utrasound and during FHR: