Thursday, October 23, 2008


The Weaver Family has been so enjoying their time together - that they have forgot to update their friends and their webpage! Wow.. so much has been going on!!!

Emma has become a Bronco fan, but wishes they would not loose the easy games (she cried over the loss the KC!)

Emma has 5 new teeth!!! How many can you see?

Just about everything is fair game for teething!

Kickin' back in her high chair! Mom makes all Emma's baby food from organic veggies!
She eats better than we do!!!

Emma's first trip!!
She went to Arizona to visit Grandpa Steve and Grandma Mary.
She even got to swim in their pool!!!

1 comment:

divebarwife said...

omg - she looks so like Warren in that highchair pic... (only cuter :)

Glad that you all are well - I miss you!!!!!!